

The purpose of the RIO3 Association is to support and defend democracy, the rule of law, rights and freedoms of human rights, independence of justice and prevention of corruption in Romania.

This will be achieved through:

Analysis of how the provisions of the "Declaration are reflected Universal Human Rights" and the European Convention on Human Rights in legal norms and practices institutions in Romania, followed by concrete proposals to the authorities that have legislative initiative or which can it has administrative and judicial measures to correlate the rules of law and the practices with these provisions Statements;

Carrying out studies on the evolution and prospects of democracy and the rule of law in Romania and their publication;

Organization of actions of civic education of the population, in view increasing the awareness of the rights and obligations of citizens;

Conduct studies on implemented measures and solutions identified in penitentiaries and probation services for the purpose of re-educating convicted persons, with proposals concrete improvement of these measures;

Organizing and conducting actions for resocialization to persons who have suffered convictions, as well as for the moral and material support of these persons and of their families, with a view to integration into the family, society and civic life, by carrying out actions in order to create jobs in the societies of the Association;

Popularization of the legislation regarding the European regulations in the field human rights and their application in practice in the countries of the European Union, compared to the Romanian legislation;;

Establishing printed or online publications, as well as other media of mass communication, to support the promotion and defense of democracy, the rule of law, respectively of human rights and fundamental freedoms.


Our objectives are:

a) Raising public opinion on essential values ??such as: democracy, rule of law, freedom, civility, independence of justice, human rights;

b) Educating citizens on the knowledge, exercise and respect of civil and political rights, respectively of economic, social and cultural rights;

c) Supporting and promoting the principle of legality in society;

d) Promote an independent, impartial and transparent justice;

e) Transparency of the activity of the bodies of the institutions and authorities public and public interest, including information services;

f) Promoting integrity in society and especially within the society to those who hold a position of dignity or public office;

g) Supporting anti-corruption policies and public institutions specialized in the fight against corruption;

h) Making requests in all EU countries to contact associations and foundations that have as their object the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the principles of democracy and the rule of law, in view of learning their practice;

i) Record the complaints of the persons who are victims of the violation of these rights in Romania and take action by legal means to help them;

j) Providing moral and material help to the families of those who claim and prove that they are victims violation of fundamental rights and freedoms;

k) Organization of studies on how the principles of human rights defense are respected in the Romanian legislation in force and the publication of these studies;

l) Visiting penitentiaries and probation services in Romania, to determine how to comply in practice the legislation in force regarding the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms;

m) Assistance, disinterestedly, to Romanian citizens whose rights are violated or restricted through actions of the legislative, executive or judicial power;

n) To inform the media and the competent bodies by all means, of any violations of human rights;

o) Carrying out educational activities among children and young people for learning and understanding of the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of Romania;

p) In order to achieve the proposed goals and objectives, initiate the conclusion of protocols with the Inspectorate General of the Romanian Police, with some of the penitentiaries and probation services in Romania, in order to know the way in which police and prison workers know and apply the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their activity;

q) Supporting the actions of public institutions and non-governmental bodies regarding non-discrimination, including in family relationships, in ensuring compliance with international standards regarding the conditions of conduct of education, justice and prison conditions;

r) Elaboration of reports on the association's findings, which will be presented to the Romanian Presidency, the Chamber The Deputies, the Senate, the General Prosecutor's Office next to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Superior Council of The Magistracy, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the line Ministries, the European Commission for Human Rights from Strasbourg, Geneva Human Rights Commission, U.S. Department of State and O.N.U.